SARS - Tax Practitioner Connect Newsletter

The latest Tax Practitioner Connect Newsletter has been released by SARS 

The latest Tax Practitioner Connect Newsletter (issue 26) has been published and deals with a few topics including an appeal by the SARS Commissioner to non-compliant practitioners to become compliant, the establishment of a task team to combat fraudulent alterations of taxpayer eFiling profiles, a discussion regarding the tax principles applicable to crypto assets and more. 

The 26th issue of the SARS Tax Practitioner Connect Newsletter covers the following topics:

  • An appeal by the SARS  Commissioner to non-compliant practitioners to become complaint
  • The establishment of a task team to combat fraudulent alterations of taxpayer eFiling profiles 
  • SARS to commence with reporting unlawful use of trademark
  • Pitfalls of deregistration due to non-compliance 
  • Posting of VAT201 returns discontinued 
  • SARS ups the ante regarding PAYE non-compliance 
  • Crypto assets subject to general principles of tax law 
  • Difference between a verification and an audit 
  • SARS develops induction programme for new tax practitioners 
  • Administrative penalties for late submissions of Personal Income Tax returns to be imposed 
  • How to update Registered Representatives

Find a copy of the newsletter here.
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